Most of the suggestions below have errors. Find and fix them.
1. We have all experienced a terrible shock.
We've all experienced a terrible shock.
2 Was it raining when you went out?
Was it raining when you went out?
3 They were talking about a party at that moment.
Now they are talking about the party.
4 When did you expect me yesterday?
When did you expect me yesterday?
5 Mom recently made pancakes.
Mom recently made pancakes.
6 She cut her finger as she picked up the broken vase.
She cut her finger as she lifted the broken vase
7 I was in the USA in 2005.
I was in the USA in 2005.
8 When he got off the train, it was raining heavily.
It was raining heavily when he got off the train.
9 They sat in the sun for over an hour.
They sat in the sun for over an hour.
10 Susan was still typing letters when he arrived.
When he arrived, Susan was still typing letters.
It is right?
вроде вот
Fill in the prepositions in, on or at.
1) _in 1930, _in 1992, _in 2001
2) _in the summer, _in the winter
ответ: I. 1) in, in, in 2) in, in
С такими датами (в таком-то году) и с сезонами всегда употребляется предлог - in.
Fill in the prepositions in, on or at.
1) _at Christmas, _at Easter (праздники)
2) _in January, _in February (месяцы)
3) _on 1st May, _on 7th June (даты - такого-то числа)
ответ: II. 1) at, at 2) in, in 3) on, on
Fill in the prepositions in, on or at.
1) _at ten o'clock, _at 2.15 (время на часах)
2) _on Monday, _on Tuesday (в какой-то день недели)
3) _on Monday morning, _on Tuesday afternoon (часть дня недели)
4) _in the evening, _in summer (часть дня, время года)
ответ: lll. 1) at, at 2) on, on 3) on, on, 4) in, in