А) найдите герундиальные обороты и переведите предложения на язык 1. we know of newton's having developed principles of mechanics. 2. mankind is interested in atomic energy being used only for peaceful purposes. 3. we know of soviet metallurgical industry having made a great progress. 4. we speak about cupolas being used for melting cast iron. 5. great attention is paid to the metal being heated to the proper temperature. 6. that sand molds are the oldest method for producing metal castings is a well-known fact. 7. we speak about casting metals molding sands and refractories being the main foundry materials b) определите формы и функции герундия.переведите предложения на язык 1. melting may be done in cupolas, air furnaces,electric furnaces, etc. 2. some metals require treatment before being placed in the melting furnace. 3. carrying molten metal is usually períormed in crane ladles. 4. the most favourable characteristic of a sand casting is its retaining good strength at moderately elevated tempera- ture. 5. melting is very importan in the production of high-quality castings. 6. we know of electric furnaces being used for the production of high-grade castings. 7 a foundry can't operate without employing proper found ry materials
Эссе на тему types of transport
Transport is the movement of people, goods, and services from one location to another. Effective transport systems play a critical role in achieving the economic and social needs of a given society. Air, land, and water are the most common modes of transportation in the United States of America and many other nations in the world. Air transport is usually facilitated by aircrafts. Land transport on the other hand is facilitated by rail and road.Water transport occurs on seas, lakes, rivers/canals and so on. Transport in general plays a significant role in developing and sustaining economic, demographic, and political factors of a given community and the world at largeПереводтранспорт - это перемещение людей, товаров и услуг из одного места в другое. Эффективные транспортные системы играют решающую роль в удовлетворении экономических и социальных потребностей данного общества. Воздух, земля и вода - наиболее распространенные виды транспорта в Соединенных Штатах Америки и во многих других странах мира. Воздушный транспорт обычно осуществляется самолетами. С другой стороны, наземный транспорт облегчается железнодорожным и автомобильным транспортом.
Водный транспорт происходит по морям, озерам, рекам / каналам и так далее. Транспорт в целом играет важную роль в развитии и поддержании экономических, демографических и политических факторов данного сообщества и мира в целом
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