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As far as I can see phones are not toys and I will explain you why. First of all phones were created for communication and not to be a toy for teenagers. Even though now a’days they have way more functions then 50 years ago their main function is still communication. Of course some people use them to play mobile games and scroll though Instagram, but this doesn’t make them a toy because the majority of people use them for communication with society. And even while playing video games teenagers communicate with each-other. Overall phones are used by people for communication and not as a toy. Its just that people now a days can communicate not just by calling each other, but through video games and Social media.
Туристическое агентство все вам организует они бронируется и покупают билеты на самолет или поезд. Когда ты прибываешь представить агентства встречает тебя в аэропорте или на станции. Ты заказываешь программу экскурсий, которая уже оплачена заранее. Гид рассказывает тебе о многих интересных вещах во время экскурсии. Тебе не приходится беспокоиться о питании. Если тебе не повезло с погодой, в отеле организовывают множество мероприятий. Там могут быть скидки на сезоны, когда наплыв туристов не велик. Это очень удобно и приемлемо.
First of all phones were created for communication and not to be a toy for teenagers. Even though now a’days they have way more functions then 50 years ago their main function is still communication. Of course some people use them to play mobile games and scroll though Instagram, but this doesn’t make them a toy because the majority of people use them for communication with society. And even while playing video games teenagers communicate with each-other.
Overall phones are used by people for communication and not as a toy. Its just that people now a days can communicate not just by calling each other, but through video games and Social media.