My toy's name is Sheriff Woody or just Woody. (Мою игрушку зовут Шериф Вуди или просто Вуди.) It has got cowboy boots, hat and belt in western style. (У него есть сапоги, шляпа и ремень в ковбойском стиле.) Нair is brown and short. (Его волосы коричневые и короткие.) It has got big, brown eyes. (У него есть большие, коричневые глаза.) It has got very good and funny face. (У него очень доброе и забавное лицо.) It is, in general, a very cool toy which helps me to cheer up when I'm bored. (Это, в общем, очень классная игрушка, которая мне поднять настроение, когда мне скучно.)
Lll. 1. We are sitting in the park. 2. David is studying Chinese. 3. I am working at the moment. 4.The dogs are eating tn the kitchen. 5. Sarah is having breakfast. lV. 1. We are not sitting in the park. 2. David is not studying Chinese. 3. I am not working at the moment. 4.The dogs are not eating tn the kitchen. 5. Sarah is not having breakfast. V. 1) Are you doing a test? - Yes, I am. 2) Is your teacher sleeping? - No, she isn't. 3) Are your friends studying? Yes, they are 4) Is it raining today? - No, it isn't. 5) Are your classmates singing? - No, they aren't. 6) Is your dad working? - Yes, he is.
decision - решение [dɪˈsɪʒən]