empty - пустой прил.
vacant-свободное место работы сущ.
1. Ana has worked here for nine years.
2. Marcos has worked in Madrid since 1999.
3. She has lived in Paris since 2001.
4. We have worked together for eight months.
5. The marketing team has worked on this project for three weeks.
6. I'm hungry. I have been in this meeting since 9.00!
7. My manager has been on holiday for two weeks.
8. Steve has lived in Germany for six months.
1. Do you have to work ... ?
2. Do you need a change?
3. ... you don't need ...
4. ... you don't need to have ...
5. So, what do you need?
6. Well, you have to be ...
7. You need a driving license ...
8. ... you have to travel ...
9. And you need to be ...
10. ... have to stay away ...
11. But you don't have to pay ...
12. ... you don't have to pay!
Empty подразумевается пустой вообще, а vacant означает, что место пока свободно, но вполне возможно его скоро займут, то есть это явление временное