there are no heavy frosts (Зимой нет сильных морозов)
People began to build new settemtnts(Люди стали строить новые поселения)
i shall meet you outside the hotel in ten minbutes( я встречусь с вами около гостиницы через 10 минут)
1- pres simple
2-past simple
3- fut simple
Justin Drew Bieber was born in Stratford, Ontario, Canada on March, 1, 1994.
Justin began singing several years ago. When he was 2, he showed his interest to music and instruments, especially drums. Today he plays the guitar very well. He is good at sports, too: basketball, football, golf, hockey and skateboarding. By the way, he is left-handed.
At school he liked maths most of all.
2007 was a start for a young singer. He sang and shot hits of well-known singers on a videocamera and loaded his clips on YouTube. Soon admirers appeared. They were sure Justin would become a star. Scooter Brown watched his clips and sent Justin to Usher, Atlanta. There Justin met Justin Timberlake and signed a cotract with Usher and later record company.
Justin is one of the most talented American children. On Christmas he performed for US President Barac Obama and his wife Mich
1) I didn't have a sandwich for lunch. I had salad
What about you?
(То что сказал твой партнёр)
2) I didn't meet my friend. I met my Gran.
What about you?
(То что сказал твой партнёр)
3) We didn't go to the café. We went to the cinema.
What about you?
(То что сказал твой партнёр)
4) I didn't Read a Book in the bed. I Read a Book on the Table.
What about you?
(То что сказал твой партнёр)
5) We didn't eat at home on Friday. We ate in the café.
What about you?
(То что сказал твой партнёр)
6)I didn't write a letter to a friend. I wrote to my Grandpa.
What about you?
(То что сказал твой партнёр)
2. People began (past simp - to begin) to build new settlements.
3. I shall meet (fut simp - to meet) you outside the hotel in ten minutes.
1. Зимой нет сильных морозов.
2. Люди начали строить новые поселения.
3. Я встречусь с вами около гостиницы через десять минут.