1. Shall I see you before you start? 2. What will he do when he comes home? 3. Where will they go if the weather is fine? 4. He will ring me up when he returns home. 5. If it rains, we shall stay at home. 6. She will walk home if it is not too cold. 7. I am sure he will come to say good-bye to us before he leaves St. Petersburg. 8. Please turn off the light when you leave the room. 9. If we are tired, we shall stop at a small village half-way to Moscow and have a short rest and a meal there. 10. If you miss the 10.30 train, there is another at 10.35. 11. She will make all the arrangements about it before she flys there. 12. Before he starts for London, he will spend a day or two at a rest-home not far from here.
делай так.
HE SHE IT - добавляешь оконч.- S, либо es
we u they - ничего
будущее - will
неправильные глаголы 1 abide [ə'baɪd] abode [ə'bəud] abode [ə'bəud] пребывать, придерживаться чего-либо
2 arise [ə'raɪz] arose [ə'rəuz] arisen [ə'rɪz(ə)n] возникать, подниматься
3 awake [ə'weɪk] awoke [ə'wəuk] awoken [əˈwoʊkn] будить, просыпаться
4 be [bi:] was [wɔz]; were [wз:] been [bi:n] быть, являться
5 bear [beə] bore [bɔː] born [bɔːn] носить, рождать
6 beat [bi:t] beat [bi:t] beaten ['bi:tn] бить
7 become [bi:kʌm] became [bi:keim] become [bi:kʌm] становиться, делаться
8 befall [bɪ'fɔːl] befell [bɪ'fel] befallen [bɪ'fɔːlən] случаться
9 begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gæn] begun [bi'gʌn] начинать(ся)
10 behold [bɪ'həuld] beheld [bɪ'held] beheld [bɪ'held] вглядываться, замечать
11 bend [bend] bent [bent] bent [bent] гнуть(ся), сгибать(ся)
12 beseech [bɪ'siːʧ] besought [bɪ'sɔːt] besought [bɪ'sɔːt] умолять, упрашивать
13 beset [bɪ'set] beset [bɪ'set] beset [bɪ'set] окружать, осаждать
14 bet [bet] bet [bet] bet [bet] держать пари
15 bid [bɪd] bid [bɪd] bid [bɪd] предлагать цену, велеть, просить
16 bind [baɪnd] bound [baund] bound [baund] связывать
17 bite [baɪt] bit [bɪt] bitten ['bɪtn] кусать(ся)
18 bleed [bliːd] bled [bled] bled [bled] кровоточить, опорожнять
19 blow [bləu] blew [bluː] blown [bləun] дуть
20 break [breɪk] broke [brəuk] broken ['brəuk(ə)n] ломать, прерывать, разбивать
21 breed [briːd] bred [bred] bred [bred] порождать, разводить, выводить
22 bring [brɪŋ] brought [brɔːt] brought [brɔːt] приносить, приводить
23 broadcast ['brɔːdkɑːst] broadcast ['brɔːdkɑːst] broadcast ['brɔːdkɑːst] вещать, распространять
24 build [bɪld] built [bɪlt] built [bɪlt] строить, встраивать
25 burn [bɜːn] burnt [bɜːnt] burnt [bɜːnt] гореть, сжигать
26 burst [bɜːst] burst [bɜːst] burst [bɜːst] взрывать(ся)
27 buy [baɪ] bought [bɔːt] bought [bɔːt] покупать
28 can [kæn] could [kud] could [kud] мочь физически
29 cast [kɑːst] cast [kɑːst] cast [kɑːst] бросать, лить (металл)
30 catch [kæʧ] caught [kɔːt] caught [kɔːt] ловить, схватывать
31 choose [ʧuːz] chose [ʧuːz] chosen ['ʧəuz(ə)n] выбирать
32 cling [klɪŋ] clung [klʌŋ] clung [klʌŋ] прилипать, цеплять, льнуть
33 cleave [kliːv] cleft [kleft] cloven ['kləuv(ə)n] рассечь, расколоть
34 clothe [kləuð] clothed [kləʊðd] clothed [kləʊðd] одеть, одевать
35 come [kʌm] came [keɪm] come [kʌm] приходить
36 cost [kɒst] cost [kɒst] cost [kɒst] оценивать, стоить
37 creep [kriːp] crept [krept] crept [krept] ползать
38 cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] резать, обрезать