Выявите правильные и исправьте неправильные реплики 1. can't you reduce the price for our first order? — there are fewer goods available. 2. where are you calling from? — this is mr. jones speaking. 3. why is there no one on the premises now? — it is after office hours. 4. could you quote the item number? — yes, that's the quantity i want. 5. would you prefer the latter? — yes, the last suggestion is the best one. 6. we've got some more on order. — so you expect them to come in soon?
а) 1. Не is speaking (pres cont active) about terms of contract with our Joint Venture (JV).
2. Their company has gained (pres perf active) success in the international market.
б) 1. These goods were produced (past simp pass) by a well-known firm.
2. The agreement will be signed (fut simp pass) in a week.
3. Various valuable minerals have been obtained (pres perf pass) in this area.
4. The terms of the contract are being discussed (pres cont pass) at the meeting now.
а) 1. Он говорит об условиях контракта с нашим совместным предприятием (СП).
2. Их компания добилась успеха на международном рынке.
б) 1. Эти товары были изготовлены известной фирмой.
2. Соглашение будет подписано через неделю.
3. В этом районе добыты различные полезные минералы.
4. Условия контракта обсуждаются на собрании в настоящее время.