1. This is my pencil. ( так и оставляешь) 2. I like your beautiful flower. Give me a flower, please. 3. My father is a worker. He works at a factory. A factory is large. 4. My mother is a nurse. She works at a large hospital. She is at a work now. 5. We have a large family. 6. You have some a pencils, but I have no pencil. Give me a pencil, please. 7. My granny often tekks us a long interesting stories.
ПРИВИЛО: артикль не употребляется, если перед существительным стоит притяжательное или указательное местоимение, другое существительное в притяжательном падеже, количественное числительное или отрицание (no); но не (not).
1 I need advice on this matter. 2 Your advice was really good, bit I can't follow it. 3 Data was very important. 4 What interesting work. 5 She had a huge success. 6 She always tells us news. 7 Have you heard the latest news today? 8 Where is the money? It is in the case. 9 what miserable weather. It is raining, and the is a strong wind. 10 It is nice to go outside the city in good weather. 11 what interesting news. 12 Do you have money with you? Can you give me some money? 13 He really likes the job, which he found. 14 What a wonderful thought. 15 She has got black hair but blue eyes. It makes her look pretty. 16 I can give you two pieces of advice. 17 Her elder sister told her to bring fruit to the kitchen and to wash them in boiled water. 18 this in not my money, I can't take it. 19 Who gave you this interesting data? 20 He has found the job he is interested in at last. 21 It is such an interesting play 22 what good advice you gave me!
1 I saw a few men playing dominoes in the park.- Я видел нескольких мужчин, играющих в домино в парке.
2 My grandfather taught me to play backgammon when I was eight. - Мой дедушка научил меня играть в нарды, когда мне было восемь лет.
3 Nowadays you can hardly find children playing marbles. - В наше время вряд ли можно найти детей, играющих в шарики.
4 A few months ago my friend and I joined our school chess club. - Несколько месяцев назад мы с другом вступили в наш школьный шахматный клуб.
5 Scrabble is a great game that increases our vocabulary. - Scrabble - отличная игра, которая расширяет наш словарный запас.
6 My father is good at playing darts. - Мой отец хорошо играет в дартс.
7 They had a game of billiards and went to have dinner. - Они поиграли в бильярд и пошли ужинать.
8 I got frustrated when I couldn't find the last piece of my jigsaw puzzle. - Я расстроился, когда не смог найти последний кусочек мозаики.