ю вё ин май дримс, оу ес, ю вё. Ю в. ин май драм ласт найт: ай вос Бьюти энд ю в. зе Бест. Ит вос э реали фани сайт! ю вё ин май дримс ласт найт: ит вос лайэн энд ю вё зе Моус. Ит вос э реалу фани сайт!
among the problems i encountered during my practicum as a teacher-trainee was time management. i always organize my lesson plans, allot time for each activity but once their on stage, i feel time slips and i realize that the session is over and i have not finished all the things i planned for yet!
according to the readings i did on the issue, they all agree that the teacher should reflect on the things that may waste his time; i.e. the teacher has to see where his time leaks! examples of these, are draw from my own experience:
instead of spending too much time explaining to students why not assigning them tasks where they can work actively and thus, be an essential part of the learning? you can interfere only when you feel that there is no other resort for them to understand the teaching point. this way, you will cover all the things you planned for as long as you proceed in the task.
when planning your lesson, apply the smart procedure: set specific objectives; measurable; achievable; realistic & time bound. that is, have clear objectives about your lesson that you can measure at the end of the session. to reach these objectives, they should be achievable meaning challenging but not defeating tasks; realistic meaning that you can really attain them without being too ambitious & finally time bound: you set a time limit for each stage of your lesson.
может быть такой текст сгодится.
It is sad to admit that people want to be healthy in the future not at the expense of their own strength, but at the expense of drugs and biotechnology. But the state of health of people depends on their lifestyle. This is a scientifically recognized fact. A person is obliged to master the art of a healthy life, to learn how to strengthen his health. Many, unfortunately, do not want to admit that playing sports can preserve and maintain not only physical, but also moral health for many years. They don't understand why they need to play sports. And this is easy to prove. Firstly, any physical exercise has a healing and prophylactic effect.
Ю вер'е ин май дреамс, ох ес, ю вер'е! Ю вере ин май дриамс ласт найт: ай вос беаюти энд ю вер'е зе бэст! Ит вос э риалли фанни сихт! Ю вере ин май дриамс, ох ес, ю вер'е! Ю вере ин май дриамс ласт найт: ай вос зе Лион энд ю вере зе маус. Ит вос э ралли фанни сихт!
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