The children aren't watching the firework display.
summer morning in 2040. the internet is everywhere, and your plans today are built in the most convenient way thanks to the information on the network. routes and timetables of public transport on the go adapt to the intensity of passenger traffic and to the traffic situation. buying a welcome gift for your child is as simple as possible: your online store offers the perfect choice based on available information about your children. but most of all, you are happy with the fact that you are still alive: a month ago, the doctors saved you after a serious attack - they took the necessary actions because they had instant access to your complete medical history.
Жили были два утенка. Любили гулять они. Так гуляли они и набрели на машину. реили прокатиться но мама не рарешила им. и пошли они домой. Легли спать и уснул. снится им что едут они машие и начали спорить. Спорили спории а машиа ехала сама по себе. И не заметили как на скорости 200км/ч вреались в дерево. тут они проснулись дома в постели . И сказали как хорошо что мы дома
Lived there were two duckling. They liked to walk. So they walked and came upon a car. reili ride but my mother did not Rares them. and they went home. We went to bed and fell asleep. they dream that they are going mashie and began to argue. Disputes Disputes and mashia drove itself. And did not notice how at the speed of 200km / h vrealis a tree. then they woke up at home in bed. And they said as well that we are at home.
The children aren't watching the firework display.