19 Head for the castle and you won’t get lost. direction
Go in the direction of the castle and you won’t get lost.
20 Taking a risk doesn’t frighten me. afraid
I am not afraid of taking a risk.
21 How likely are you to pass the exam? chances
What are your chances of passing the exam?
22 Sadie is talented at telling jokes. talent
Sadie has a talent for telling jokes.
23 I’ve finally started taking Chinese lessons. round
I’ve finally got round to taking Chinese lessons.
24 I didn’t understand maths when I was at school. used
I didn't use to understand maths when I was at school.
25 Living in a foreign country isn’t strange to me now. got
I have got used to living in a foreign country.
26 I’ll stop the car over there so you can get out. off
I’ll drop you off over there.
mark twain (born mark twain, samuel langhorne real name clemens (born samuel langhorne clemens); november 30, 1835, the settlement of florida (missouri) - april 21, 1910, redding (conn.) buried in elmira (ny ) - american writer, journalist and social activist. his work spans many genres - humor, satire, philosophical fiction, journalism, etc., and in all these genres, he has consistently taken the position of the humanist and democrat.william faulkner wrote that mark twain was "the first truly american writer, and all of us ever since - his heirs" and ernest hemingway wrote that all modern american literature comes from one book by mark twain called "the adventures of huckleberry finn ". russian writer of mark twain especially warmly maxim gorky and alexander kuprin.