1) understands its place in the world and among other people, and also realizes that living beings are more important than things - понимает свое место в мире и среди других людей, а также осознает, что живые существа важнее вещей
близким и чужим, а также поддерживает слабых
3) speaking out against injustice and violence - выступает против несправедливости и насилия
4) honest, kind, friendly and understands a good joke - честен, любезен, дружелюбен и понимает хорошую шутку
5) protects nature, thinks about other living creatures, as well as about future generations - бережет природу, думает и о других живых существах, а также о грядущих поколениях
6) works and studies all his life - работает и учится всю жизнь
Английский язык по скайпу Темы / Топики Темы 8 класс Генри Форд (Henry Ford)
Henry Ford was born near Dearborn, in the United States, in July 1863. As a boy, he enjoyed playing with clocks and machines. It was a great experience for the person who would create the first affordable car.
Cars had already been built in Europe when Ford tested his first vehicle in 1899. It had wheels like a bicycle’s and a gasoline-powered engine that made it move. It was called a Quadricycle and had only two speeds and no reverse. In four years Ford had started the Ford Motor Company. His ideas about making automobiles would change history.
Carmakers at that time used parts that were made by other companies and put them all together. Ford’s company made every part that went into its cars. What’s more, the company made sure that each kind of part was the same.
In 1908 Ford introduced the Model "T". This car worked well and wasn't expensive. It was a big success, but the company couldn’t manufacture them quickly. In 1913 Henry Ford built a large factory with the conveyor.
Instead of having workers go from car to car, the cars moved gently down a line while mechanics stood in place adding parts to them. Each worker added a different part until a whole car was put together. It helped to produce more cars. By 1918 half of all automobiles in the United States of America were Model "Ts". Ford’s company became the largest machine manufacturer in the world. And Ford had transformed the process of manufacturing
I live in London I am 12 years old and I am very friendly. My grandmother told me that there is a country like Finland, and all the fabulous and magical creatures and hedgehogs live there ... in the fog. In the evenings, the Hedgehog went to the Bear Cub to visit the stars. They sat down on the wood and, sipping tea, looked at the starry sky. It hung above the roof, right behind the chimney. To the right of the pipe were the stars of the Little Bear, and to the left - the Hedgehog. This is a summary, and also a frog traveler
There was a frog-frog in the world. She sat in a swamp, caught mosquitoes and midges, in the spring she loudly croaked along with her friends. And she would have lived the whole century safely - of course, if the stork hadn't eaten her. But one incident happened ...
One day she was sitting on a stick of a snag hanging out of the water and enjoying the warm drizzle.
- Oh, what a wonderful wet weather today! She thought. - What a pleasure it is to live in the world!
It was drizzling down her variegated lacquered back, drops dripping under her belly and legs, and it was delightfully pleasant, so nice that she barely croaked, but fortunately remembered that it was autumn and frog in autumn they do not croak, - this is spring, - and that, having begun to ferment, it can drop its frog dignity. So she kept silent and continued to bask
Suddenly a thin, whistling, intermittent sound resounded in the air. There is such a breed of ducks: when they fly, their wings, cutting through the air, exactly sing, or, better to say, whistle. Fy-fyyu-fyu-fyu - is distributed in the air when a flock of such ducks flies high above you, and they themselves are not even visible, so they fly high. This time, the ducks, describing a huge semicircle, descended and sat down just at the very swamp where the frog lived.
- Quack quack! - said one of them, - To fly far away; need to eat.
And the frog immediately hid. Although she knew that the ducks would not eat her, a large and thick wah, but still, just in case, she dived under the snag. However, on reflection, she decided to stick her pop-up head out of the water: she was very interested to find out where the ducks were flying...