adventure story(приключенческая история) -dangerous(опасность), hero(герой), journey(приключение)
fairytale(сказка) - kids(дети), fictional events(вымышленные события), happy ending(счастливый конец)
science fiction(научная фантастика) - solve(решение), investigate(исследования), difficult to explain(трудная для объяснения)
humorous story(юмористическая история/если угодно - комедия) -funny characters and events(смешные персонажи и события)
mystery(мистика) - extraordinary(необычная), fictional(вымышленная)
drama(драма) -psychology(с элементами психологии), serious(серьёзная), emotional(эмоциональная)
We went to a very nice restaurant last weekend.
I brush my teeth with a toothpaste.
I use a toothbrush to brush my teeth.
Can you tell me if there's a bank near here?
My brother works for an insurance company in Frankfurt.
I don't like a violence.
Can you smell a paint?
When we were in Rome, we stayed in a big hotel.
We need a petrol. I hope we come to a petrol station soon.
I wonder if you can help me. I have a problem.
I like your suggestion. It's a very interesting idea.
John has an interview for job tomorrow.
I like volleyball. It's a good game.
Lisa doesn't usually wear a jewellery.
Jane was wearing a beautiful necklace.