1) Gray matter, consisting of the bodies of neurons, their myelin-free processes and glial cells, is present in the areas of the brain that control muscle activity, which are responsible for sensory perception (for example, vision, hearing), memory, emotions and speech. it means that the gray matter is surrounded by myelin-free, processional, and glial cells.
2) gray matter, consisting of the bodies of neurons, their myelin-free processes and glial cells, is represented in the areas of the brain that control muscle activity, which are responsible for sensory perception (for example, vision, hearing), memory, emotions and speech
It means that sensory perception arises from the gray matter of the homs.
3) Gray matter is concentrated in the cerebral cortex, cerebellar cortex, as well as in the deep structures of the brain: thalamus (lat.thalamus), hypothalamus (lat.hypothalamus), subthalamus (Luis nucleus, lat.nucleus subthalamicus Luisi), basal ganglia, shell (Latin putamen), pale ball (Latin globus pallidus), nucleus accumbens (Latin nucleus accumbens septi); the nucleus of the septum (lat. nucleus septi pellucidi)), nuclei of the cerebellum (dentate [en] (lat. nucleus dentatus), spherical [en] (lat. nucleus globosus cerebelli), cork-shaped [en] (lat. nucleus emboliformes), the core of the tent [en]) (Latin nucleus fastigii cerebelli), brain stem (substantia nigra (Latin substantia nigra), red nucleus (Latin nucleus ruber), olive nuclei [en] (Latin oliva) and cranial nerves [en] ( lat.nucleus nervi cranialis)), - and in the gray columns of the spinal cord (in the section - front (lat.Cornu anterius medullae spinalis), lateral (lat.Cornu laterale medullae spinalis) and back horns (lat.Cornu posterius medullae spinalis)) [6].
4) Spinal nerves The spinal (spinal) nerves originate in the spinal cord and control the functions of the rest of the body. In humans, there are 31 pairs of spinal nerves: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal.
5) The spinal cord (lat. Medulla spinalis) is an organ of the central nervous system of vertebrates located in the spinal canal [1]. It is generally accepted that the border between the spinal cord and the brain runs at the level of the intersection of the pyramidal fibers (although this border is very arbitrary) or at the level of the occipital foramen of the occipital bone. Inside the spinal cord there is a cavity called the central canal (Latin canalis centralis), which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The spinal cord is protected by the soft, arachnoid and dura mater. The spaces between the membranes and the spinal canal are filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The dura mater consists of the visceral and parietal regions. The space between the visceral and parietal dura mater is called the epidural space and is filled with adipose tissue and the venous network
6) Injured spinal cord causes Severe back pain or pressure in the neck and head Weakness, lack of coordination, or paralysis in any part of the body Numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation in the hands, fingers, feet or toes Loss of bowel or bladder control
7) Reflex action is characterized by the effect of a medicinal substance on reflexogenic zones, leading to the occurrence of reflex reactions.
Братан писать будешь много
наприклад, коли ми отримуємо поріз ( чи будь яке інше пошкодження шкіри), то з часом рана заживає. людина розмножується, а молоді клітини замінюють старі. можливості знижуються з віком
те саме можна сказати про переломи, але чим менше небезпек є для організму, то менше він має можливостей. на приклад: ящірка може в разі небезпеки скидати хвіст, і його відновлювати, проте людині навіть мріяти про таке небезпечно.