Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
1.Микроско́п (др.-греч. μικρός «маленький» + σκοπέω «смотрю»[2]) — прибор, предназначенный для получения увеличенных изображений, а также измерения объектов или деталей структуры, невидимых или плохо видимых невооружённым глазом.
Совокупность технологий и методов практического использования микроскопов называют микроскопией
2.Компью́тер (англ. computer, МФА: [kəmˈpjuː.tə(ɹ)][1] — «вычислитель») — устройство или система выполнять заданную, чётко определённую, изменяемую последовательность операций. Это чаще всего операции численных расчётов и манипулирования данными, однако сюда относятся и операции ввода-вывода. Описание последовательности операций называется программой[2].
Компьютерная система — любое устройство или группа взаимосвязанных или смежных устройств, одно или более из которых, действуя в соответствии с программой, осуществляет автоматизированную обработку данных[3].