This time last year "(1) I was cycling " in the rain along a country road in France with friend of mine. We "(2) had decided " to go on a cycling holiday in Normandy. Neither of us "(3) had been " to France before but we (4) knew some French from our time t school and we "(5) had managed" to brush up on the basic. Now we (6) were wondering if we "(7) had made" the right decision.
We (8) had planed our route carefully in advance, but "(9) we had forgotten " one important thing: the weather. It (10) had been raining solidly since our arrival and that night we (11) ended up sleeping in the waiting room at railway station. Then the next morning we (12) rode down hill, my bike (13) skidded on the wet road and I (14) fell off. I (15) realized immediately that I "(16) had broken" my arm, and after a visit to local hospital I (17) caught the next train to Calais for the ferry home. Unfortunately my parents (18) didn't expect me home for a fortnight, and 19had gone away on holiday. So I (20) spent a miserable couple of weeks alone, reading "Teach Yourself French".
This time last year "(1) I was cycling " in the rain along a country road in France with friend of mine. We "(2) had decided " to go on a cycling holiday in Normandy. Neither of us "(3) had been " to France before but we (4) knew some French from our time t school and we "(5) had managed" to brush up on the basic. Now we (6) were wondering if we "(7) had made" the right decision.
We (8) had planed our route carefully in advance, but "(9) we had forgotten " one important thing: the weather. It (10) had been raining solidly since our arrival and that night we (11) ended up sleeping in the waiting room at railway station. Then the next morning we (12) rode down hill, my bike (13) skidded on the wet road and I (14) fell off. I (15) realized immediately that I "(16) had broken" my arm, and after a visit to local hospital I (17) caught the next train to Calais for the ferry home. Unfortunately my parents (18) didn't expect me home for a fortnight, and 19had gone away on holiday. So I (20) spent a miserable couple of weeks alone, reading "Teach Yourself French".
Дворяне - социальный слой, получавший земельные владения за свою службу (поместья) и служащий в государевом войске.
Вотчина - наследственное земельное владение, которое собственник имел право продать, подарить, поделить.
Поместье - земельный участок с жившими там крестьянами, дававшийся дворянам в службу.
Слобода - район города, образованный по виду профессиональной деятельности ремесленников (например: кузнецкая, овчинная, кожевенная и др.).