Абай Кунанбаев - казахский поэт, композитор, просветитель, мыслитель, общественный деятель, основоположник казахской письменной литературы и её первый классик, реформатор культуры в духе сближения с русской, а также европейской культурой на основе. просвещённого ислама .
Настоящее имя — Ибрагим, но прозвище Абай ( «внимательный», «осторожный»), данное бабушкой Зере, закрепилось за ним на всю жизнь. Племянник Абая — также известный казахский поэт Шакарим Кудайбердиев.
Прожил 58 лет.
дата рождения 29 июля (1845г)
2. He thought that she would not come to school.
3. I knew that my sister was studying French and thought that she would go to Paris.
4. I was told that you had rung me up.
5. I thought that you were in Moscow.
6.I did not know that you had already returned to St. Petersburg.
7. I was afraid that I would lose my way in the forest.
8. She knew that we had never seen her picture.
9. The scientist was sure that he would find the solution to (for) the problem.
10. I knew that you had come to St. Petersburg and supposed that you would visit me.
11. We did not think that he would be so angry.
12. We hoped that we would go to London.
13. The teacher said that our friends had sent a letter from London.
14. She said that her friend had invited her to the theatre.
15. We were afraid that we would not buy a ticket to the theatre.
16. We saw that the children were playing in the sand.
17. She said that she wouldn't bathe any more because the water was cold.
18. My grandfather said that he had liked skating in his young days.
18. My cousin said that she liked opera and would be glad to go to the theatre with us, although she had already listened to La Traviata twice.