1 George has taken up riding. His horse is called Tilly. 2 You know we arranged to see a film this evening? Well, I'm not backing out but can we go next week? 3 We have set up Laura's new computer in her room as a surprise for her when she comes home.
4 I'm afraid of exams and I just can't go through with the maths exam today. Sorry! 5 David, please put on an,old pair of jeans before you work on your motorbike. 6 Mrs Malone is a very good teacher. She can always get across new information. 7 How long have you been into bungee jumping?
Решение. В расплаве хлорид натрия диссоциирует на ионы:
NaCl ↔ Na+ + Cl-.
Под действием электрического тока анионы (отрицательно заряженные ионы) будут передвигаться к аноду и отдавать ему электроны:
aнод(+) 2Cl- - 2е- = Cl2↑.
Катионы (положительно заряженные ионы) будут передвигаться к катоду и принимать от него электроны:
катод(-) Na+ + e- = Na
Суммируем уравнения процессов, протекающих на электродах. При этом необходимо учесть, что число отданных восстановителем электронов должно быть равно числу электронов, принятых окислителем:
aнод(+) 2Cl- - 2е- = Cl2↑│ 1
катод(-) Na+ + e- = Na │ 2
1) She is а very clever girl of seven. Общий: Is she a very clever girl of seven?Разделительный: She is а very clever girl of seven.Альтернативный: Is she a very clever girl of seven or of eight?Специальный: What is the girl like?Вопрос к подлежащему: Who is a very clever girl of seven?
2) Mary likes reading interesting books.
Общий: Does Mary like reading interesting books? Разделительный: Mary likes reading interesting books, doesn't she? Альтернативный: Does Mary like reading interesting or boring books? Специальный: What does Mary like to read? Вопрос к подлежащему: Who likes reading interesting books?
3) Students study at the Institute. Общий: Do students study at the Institute?Разделительный: Students study at the Institute, don't they? Альтернативный: Do students study at the Institute or in the University? Специальный: Where do the students study?Вопрос к подлежащему: Who studies at the Institute?
4) I write SMS to my friend very often. Общий: Do I write SMS to my friend very often? Разделительный: I write SMS to my friend very often, don't I? Альтернативный: Do I write SMS to my friend or to my parents very often? Специальный: What do I write to my friend very often?Вопрос к подлежащему:Who writes SMS to my friend very often?
5) They are at that home. Общий: Are they at that home? Разделительный:They are at that home, aren't they? Альтернативный: Are they at that home or in the other one? Специальный: In which house are they?Вопрос к подлежащему: Who is at that home?
2 You know we arranged to see a film this evening? Well, I'm not backing out but can we go next week?
3 We have set up Laura's new computer in her room
as a surprise for her when she comes home.
4 I'm afraid of exams and I just can't go through with the
maths exam today. Sorry!
5 David, please put on an,old pair of jeans before
you work on your motorbike.
6 Mrs Malone is a very good teacher. She can always get across
new information.
7 How long have you been into bungee jumping?