Прокомментируйте каждое фото.
1 — Daniel usually swims in the swimming pool.
Daniel is swimming in the swimming pool in the picture.
Daniel has swum in the swimming pool for a long time.
2 — Daniel and his father usually fish in the lake.
Daniel and his father are fishing in the lake in the picture.
Daniel and his father have fished in the lake-for a long time.
3 — Daniel and his friend usually ride bikes in the park.
Daniel and his friend are riding bikes in the park in the picture.
Daniel and his friend have ridden in the park for a long time.
Избрание В. В. Путина Президентом России в 2000 г. положило начало новому этапу политического реформирования. Его главным содержанием стало укрепление российской государственности, ее федеративного устройства. Были учреждены 7 федеральных округов, главами которых стали полномочные представители Президента. Их задачей стало приведение местных законов в соответствие с Конституцией страны и федеральным законодательством. В короткий срок более 3,5 тыс. нормативных актов субъектов Федерации были приведены в соответствие с Основным законом страны. Это позволило усилить роль Центра на местах, укрепить федеративное устройство, возродить единое законодательное пространство страны.
1 — Daniel usually swims in the swimming pool.
Daniel is swimming in the swimming pool in the picture.
Daniel has swum in the swimming pool for a long time.
2 — Daniel and his father usually fish in the lake.
Daniel and his father are fishing in the lake in the picture.
Daniel and his father have fished in the lake-for a long time.
3 — Daniel and his friend usually ride bikes in the park.
Daniel and his friend are riding bikes in the park in the picture.
Daniel and his friend have ridden in the park for a long time.