АО «Тульский комбайновый завод» производит сельскохозяйственную технику (зерноуборочные. и кормоуборочные комбайны). При изготовлении сельскохозяйственной техники требуется достаточно много металла, следовательно, это производство материалоемкое. Сельхоз техника достаточно громоздка, а это значит, транспортные расходы по ее перевозке будут очень большие.
При размещении материалоемкие производства будут ориентированы на предприятия, выпускающие металл — металлургические комбинаты. Предприятия, выпускающие продукцию, перевозка которой обходится очень дорого, размещаются вблизи потребителя. В данном случае потребителем, является сельское хозяйство. В городе Тула (Центральная Россия) есть металлургические предприятия. Такие предприятия есть и в других городах Центральной России (напр. Липецк). В Тульской области развито сельское хозяйство, а следовательно, необходима и сельхоз техника.
1. I usually got up at 7 am. Did you usually get up at 7 am? I didn't usually get up at 7 am. 2. Mary always did her lessons. Did Mary always do her lessons? Mary didn't always do her lessons. 3. They walked to work. Did they walk to work? They didn't walk to work. 4. We did a break every two hours. Did we do a break every two hours? We didn't do a break every two hours. 5. Kate talked on the phone with her friend. Did Kate talk on the phone? Kate didn't talk on the phone. 6. He met his friends yesterday. Did he meet his friends yesterday? He didn't meet his friends yesterday. 7. I brushed teeth in the morning and in the evening. Did you brush teeth in the morning and in the evening? I didn't brush teeth in the morning and in the evening 8. Helen's father washed the car yesterday . Did Helen's father wash the car? Helen's father didn't wash the car 9. My mother did the shopping at the weekends. Did your mother do the shopping at the weekends? My mother didn't do the shopping at the weekends. 10. They visited relatives on holidays. Did they visit relatives on holidays? They didn't visit relatives on holidays.
1. I usually got up at 7 am. Did you usually get up at 7 am? I didn't usually get up at 7 am. 2. Mary always did her lessons. Did Mary always do her lessons? Mary didn't always do her lessons. 3. They walked to work. Did they walk to work? They didn't walk to work. 4. We did a break every two hours. Did we do a break every two hours? We didn't do a break every two hours. 5. Kate talked on the phone with her friend. Did Kate talk on the phone? Kate didn't talk on the phone. 6. He met his friends yesterday. Did he meet his friends yesterday? He didn't meet his friends yesterday. 7. I brushed teeth in the morning and in the evening. Did you brush teeth in the morning and in the evening? I didn't brush teeth in the morning and in the evening 8. Helen's father washed the car yesterday . Did Helen's father wash the car? Helen's father didn't wash the car 9. My mother did the shopping at the weekends. Did your mother do the shopping at the weekends? My mother didn't do the shopping at the weekends. 10. They visited relatives on holidays. Did they visit relatives on holidays? They didn't visit relatives on holidays.
При размещении материалоемкие производства будут ориентированы на предприятия, выпускающие металл — металлургические комбинаты. Предприятия, выпускающие продукцию, перевозка которой обходится очень дорого, размещаются вблизи потребителя. В данном случае потребителем, является сельское хозяйство. В городе Тула (Центральная Россия) есть металлургические предприятия. Такие предприятия есть и в других городах Центральной России (напр. Липецк). В Тульской области развито сельское хозяйство, а следовательно, необходима и сельхоз техника.