3) Мен оқу құралдарым таза.Представьте, что вы находитесь на ферме своих бабушек и дедушек. Напишите письмо родителям.spent this day at the dacha with my grandparents.I went to them,they were happy to see me,and hugged me. We were very far from the city, as there were few people in our village. I had a good day, my grandfather and I went fishing, caught a lot of fish, then I helped my grandmother clean the fish.We have a dog, sheep, and a cow.My grandparents don't have an easy life,and sometimes they get bored alone.Then I went home.I really liked the village.Next time, I'll ask my parents to come with me.
spent this day at the dacha with my grandparents.I went to them,they were happy to see me,and hugged me. We were very far from the city, as there were few people in our village. I had a good day, my grandfather and I went fishing, caught a lot of fish, then I helped my grandmother clean the fish.We have a dog, sheep, and a cow.My grandparents don't have an easy life,and sometimes they get bored alone.Then I went home.I really liked the village.Next time, I'll ask my parents to come with me.
Представьте, что вы находитесь на ферме своих бабушек и дедушек. Напишите письмо родителям.1) Менің сыныбым үшінші қабатта.
2) Сыныптың қасында асхана бар.
3) Мен оқу құралдарым таза.Dos
Mak OS
Mak OS
BeOS1) Менің сыныбым үшінші қабатта.
2) Сыныптың қасында асхана бар.
3) Мен оқу құралдарым таза.Представьте, что вы находитесь на ферме своих бабушек и дедушек. Напишите письмо родителям.spent this day at the dacha with my grandparents.I went to them,they were happy to see me,and hugged me. We were very far from the city, as there were few people in our village. I had a good day, my grandfather and I went fishing, caught a lot of fish, then I helped my grandmother clean the fish.We have a dog, sheep, and a cow.My grandparents don't have an easy life,and sometimes they get bored alone.Then I went home.I really liked the village.Next time, I'll ask my parents to come with me.
spent this day at the dacha with my grandparents.I went to them,they were happy to see me,and hugged me. We were very far from the city, as there were few people in our village. I had a good day, my grandfather and I went fishing, caught a lot of fish, then I helped my grandmother clean the fish.We have a dog, sheep, and a cow.My grandparents don't have an easy life,and sometimes they get bored alone.Then I went home.I really liked the village.Next time, I'll ask my parents to come with me.
Наука в годы войны также работала на нужды фронта и внесла свой немалый вклад в победу. Например, в условиях дефицита противотанковой артиллерии всего за 2 месяца были разработаны противотанковые ружья системы Дегтярёва (ПТРД) и Симонова (ПТРС), превосходившие западные аналоги и оказавшие огромную помощь пехоте в борьбе с танками на первых этапах войны. Образовательный процесс продолжался в тяжёлых условиях, но не прекращался, потому что он готовил будущих солдат и тружеников тыла, которым необходимо было хотя бы минимальное образование.
Наука в годы войны также работала на нужды фронта и внесла свой немалый вклад в победу. Например, в условиях дефицита противотанковой артиллерии всего за 2 месяца были разработаны противотанковые ружья системы Дегтярёва (ПТРД) и Симонова (ПТРС), превосходившие западные аналоги и оказавшие огромную помощь пехоте в борьбе с танками на первых этапах войны. Образовательный процесс продолжался в тяжёлых условиях, но не прекращался, потому что он готовил будущих солдат и тружеников тыла, которым необходимо было хотя бы минимальное образование.
Ой я не знаю 1) Менің сыныбым үшінші қабатта.
2) Сыныптың қасында асхана бар.
3) Мен оқу құралдарым таза.Представьте, что вы находитесь на ферме своих бабушек и дедушек. Напишите письмо родителям.spent this day at the dacha with my grandparents.I went to them,they were happy to see me,and hugged me. We were very far from the city, as there were few people in our village. I had a good day, my grandfather and I went fishing, caught a lot of fish, then I helped my grandmother clean the fish.We have a dog, sheep, and a cow.My grandparents don't have an easy life,and sometimes they get bored alone.Then I went home.I really liked the village.Next time, I'll ask my parents to come with me.
spent this day at the dacha with my grandparents.I went to them,they were happy to see me,and hugged me. We were very far from the city, as there were few people in our village. I had a good day, my grandfather and I went fishing, caught a lot of fish, then I helped my grandmother clean the fish.We have a dog, sheep, and a cow.My grandparents don't have an easy life,and sometimes they get bored alone.Then I went home.I really liked the village.Next time, I'll ask my parents to come with me.
Представьте, что вы находитесь на ферме своих бабушек и дедушек. Напишите письмо родителям.1) Менің сыныбым үшінші қабатта.
2) Сыныптың қасында асхана бар.
3) Мен оқу құралдарым таза.Dos
Mak OS
Mak OS
BeOS1) Менің сыныбым үшінші қабатта.
2) Сыныптың қасында асхана бар.
3) Мен оқу құралдарым таза.Представьте, что вы находитесь на ферме своих бабушек и дедушек. Напишите письмо родителям.spent this day at the dacha with my grandparents.I went to them,they were happy to see me,and hugged me. We were very far from the city, as there were few people in our village. I had a good day, my grandfather and I went fishing, caught a lot of fish, then I helped my grandmother clean the fish.We have a dog, sheep, and a cow.My grandparents don't have an easy life,and sometimes they get bored alone.Then I went home.I really liked the village.Next time, I'll ask my parents to come with me.
spent this day at the dacha with my grandparents.I went to them,they were happy to see me,and hugged me. We were very far from the city, as there were few people in our village. I had a good day, my grandfather and I went fishing, caught a lot of fish, then I helped my grandmother clean the fish.We have a dog, sheep, and a cow.My grandparents don't have an easy life,and sometimes they get bored alone.Then I went home.I really liked the village.Next time, I'll ask my parents to come with me.