it was july 16, 2008 and i was at city hall to do something thatwould change my life forever. i went to room 302 and got my workingcard. i thought i was independent and ready to get a job.
first i filled in applications. i put in over 100 applications at restau-rants, clothing stores, and hotels. i kept looking for a job, and i decidedto go to the mall. i was interested in getting a place in one restaurantbecause my good school friend worked there, and he told me they neededpeople. i thought it might turn out to be successful.
one day, when i came home and turned on the answering machine,there was a message on it. it was a job! a lady from a supermarket calledme for an interview on tuesday. i was very excited. this was my first interview. on sunday i got up early, my mom and i went shopping fora dress. i put on this dress on tuesday. the lady asked me a lot of questi-ons, but i thought over the answers the day before.
i didn’t get the job, but i found out that you can’t get a job’s very hard work.
it was july 16, 2008 and i was at city hall to do something that would change my life forever. i went to room 302 and got my workingcard. i thought i was independent and ready to get a job.
first i filled in applications. i put in over 100 applications at restau-rants, clothing stores, and hotels. i kept looking for a job, and i decidedto go to the mall. i was interested in getting a place in one restaurantbecause my good school friend worked there, and he told me they neededpeople. i thought it might turn out to be successful.
one day, when i came home and turned on the answering machine,there was a message on it. it was a job! a lady from a supermarket calledme for an interview on tuesday. i was very excited. this was my first interview. on sunday i got up early, my mom and i went shopping fora dress. i put on this dress on tuesday. the lady asked me a lot of questi-ons, but i thought over the answers the day before.
i didn’t get the job, but i found out that you can’t get a job’s very hard work.
9 августа 1974, Джеральд Форд вступил на пост президента США
Умер 26 декабря 2006 года в Калифорнии
Внутренняя политика
Во внутренней политике Форд столкнулся с самым сильным на тот момент экономическим кризисом со времён Великой депрессии. Противоречивую оценку вызвало решение Форда помиловать своего предшественника Никсона (8 сентября 1974) за все преступления, выявленные и невыявленные, которые тот мог совершить за время президенства. Так как процедура импичмента Никсона в Сенате США не успела начаться из-за его отставки, то президент имел право на такое помилование. На Форда было организовано несколько покушений. На выборах 1976 ему удалось с трудом добиться выдвижения от своей партии на праймериз (опередив Рональда Рейгана), в итоге он потерпел поражение от демократа Джимми Картера. После окончания президентского срока Джеральд Форд продолжительное время работал в Американском институте предпринимательства
Внешняя политика
Недолгое правление Форда ознаменовалось продолжением политики разрядки в отношениях с СССР; так, он подписал Хельсинкские соглашения, нанёс визит в Советский Союз и встречался с Брежневым во Владивостоке. В 1975 году закончилась Вьетнамская война: силы Севера захватили Южный Вьетнам