Весна — прекрасное время года. Весной разбухают почки, становится теплее после холодных зим, расцветают всеми любимые цветы подснежники и другие цветы, деревья кустарники. Они разносят свой аромат по всей округе, словно кто-то разлил цветочные духи. У всех растений начинается жизнь. Журчат ручьи, по крышам домов капает капель. Солнце светит всё ярче и ярче. Тает снег, травка зеленеет, птицы возвращаются из тёплых стран. Вокруг слышен шелест, щебет, журчание — веселые песни весны.
Once in a cloudy day, I started to walk alone in the road near forest. It was becoming dark and I still had to go far to reach my friend's house. I saw the sky was covered with dark, evilish clouds and I started to walk faster. When I looked at my right side, I saw trees were moving side to side and making strange noises. My heart started to beat repeatedly, I didn't knew what to do. No cars, no people, only me . That time I exactly knew what's gonna happen and it was the terrible storm. When the lighting groaned, I started to run. The noises was really frightening like it would hit me in any single seconds. After some minutes while running, I heard the strongest lightning ever which hit one of the tree. It fell infront of my legs and I shrinked. I was shaking to death when I saw the tree burning. Somehow I got into my friend's house and told them how weather can be so terrible.
Once in a cloudy day, I started to walk alone in the road near forest. It was becoming dark and I still had to go far to reach my friend's house. I saw the sky was covered with dark, evilish clouds and I started to walk faster. When I looked at my right side, I saw trees were moving side to side and making strange noises. My heart started to beat repeatedly, I didn't knew what to do. No cars, no people, only me . That time I exactly knew what's gonna happen and it was the terrible storm. When the lighting groaned, I started to run. The noises was really frightening like it would hit me in any single seconds. After some minutes while running, I heard the strongest lightning ever which hit one of the tree. It fell infront of my legs and I shrinked. I was shaking to death when I saw the tree burning. Somehow I got into my friend's house and told them how weather can be so terrible.