глин и песок
My favourite sport is volleyball. Volleyball is a game during which two teams compete on a special site with a divided net. The point of the game is that you need to hit the side of the opponents with the ball. Volleyball is one of the most popular, simple and affordable sports. You do not need high financial costs and special physical training to play it. Beach, ball, friends – and you can start having fun! I love this sport not only because it is fascinating and fun, but also because volleyball is quite a useful sport. It has been proven that regular ball play has a general hardening and strengthening effect on the body, and also significantly increases the body’s endurance.
Пластичное вещество, хорошо удерживающее воду (глина). Одна из составляющих частей почвы, являющаяся хорошим разрыхлителем (песок). Жидкое вещество, необходимое для жизни и развития растений (вода). Органическая масса, получаемая из остатков растений и животных, повышающая плодородие (перегной).