LReading Read the article for a school magazine
There's no place like home
by Jack Femin
You don't really think about your home
until you have to move somewhere else,
or at least I never thoughtabout my home
in the English countryside until then. But
everything changed when Dad came
home fromwork a couple of months ago
to tell us more about his new job. 'So.
what?" I thought to myself. And then he
said: 'The newjob is in Berlin - in
Germany And now, two months later,
here we are living in an apartment close
to Berlin city centre, in the middleaf some
big houses. I'm going to an international
school because I don't speak German and
this is animportant y ear for me because
have to pass some big exams at the end.
Our lessons are all in English butbecause
Dad's here I or the next five years. I must
learn German like the language,
everything around me is süill very new,
Butiko haina
центры окружностей расположены на биссектрисах соотв углов: CO1, DO1, CO2, DO2
CO1 _|_ DO1 как биссектрисы углов, сумма которых = 180 градусов)))
аналогично CO2 _|_ DO2
CO2DO1 --прямоугольник, диагонали прямоугольника равны: CD=O1O2
радиус окружностей можно найти из прямоугольного треугольника, построив еще одну высоту трапеции)))
отрезки касательных к окружности, проведенных из одной точки, равны)))