You get all information about the product that is mention in this page below what is andro testo pro the andro testo pro product is the advanced and latest testosterone enhancer that improves the men health and provides stronger body health it keeps the men lifestyle active and improves the physical
performance this product maintains the men body and keeps them healthy throughout the day the company claims that men get the healthy physical ability and performance back in a very short time of period it is manufactured by the company of andro testo pro usa llc a headquarter of this company is
based in wilmington de this product helps you to increase the level of testosterone formation it improves your physical performance in gym & on bed it improves your ability
Применяем теорему Пифагора, где квадрат гипотенузы равен сумм квадратов катетов, т.е. получаем, что АД^2=AO^2+ДО^2. Катеты известны, ищем гипотенузу, которая и будет являться стороной ромба.
АД=корень из 12^2+9^2= корень из 144+81=корень из 225 = 15см.
Сторона ромба равняется 15 см.