аш9рс цкпш9ркцпь8аршйкькац86га т19шркайьйк9ашо 1а3мш9омьа139ш1ао3. ша319 от пк1ш9мкй. 9 мкйшо кй мш9тйк мьзршй мкь пкй9ошк пйт93 а9шо 9шрау йт9шрайу9сй тройскую р69ттрк мц7мкц тр7рт6 мкцрт7 кцмрт79 мкц р7 ак2р ш9к2 пр 79 ак2р 68кмп26р 8мак29тг7са32гт79а3с27тгкам2тг7акм2г7т9пк2мто7е2мптг7кмп2тг7кмп2тг7к2мпгт73мп2тг7гт76п 6ип6ипин6ин66ип6ипн6пн6рпн66н8п8рн67н9р7ин8г7т9скуг79тц кош9т2аскри782мак9иг72макг7т9кмацатг79макц7тпумкгмкуптг79кмцг79аткмаутг79кма27ог97ак2тг9ааак2г7окгц7мао7а32аогцог79сакксцштр9кцсаг79осакцг79аоаац3ог79а327ог93аа2г7о2аа37го37аа2рг7гоа32аго7ак327огак327огаа32к3а28го3а19оьщ9 мкц9ьощк мцкпцмьощ9щмкцпьо9щьо9ммкц9ощьмкцщк9сацооьщ9акц
to express the purpose of actionI believe that, indeed, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle,
because bad habits, unhealthy diet and bad
self-motivation has a very negative effect on duration and image
human life.
To lead a healthy lifestyle, the first thing to do is
motivate yourself to exercise, eat healthy, and quit
from bad habits. After all, without a motive (goal), a person performs actions
less willing and less productive. The next step should be
methodical performance of certain actions (whether it be exercises, running, dancing
etc.) and compliance with the daily routine. It is an essential part of a healthy
And then the improvement in health will not be long in coming, because you
created all the prerequisites for improving their quality of life.
I would also like to say about the spiritual component of a healthy image
life, because when you walk cheerful, joyful, contented,
open and ready to tackle complex problems, the body will feel
much better than before.
Based on the above, we can conclude that healthy
lifestyle is an essential part of a happy and long life
ответ:на фото