3. Визначте масову частку кислоти в розчині (%, до десятих), одержаному при розчиненні 40 г сульфур триоксиду в 300 мл розчину сульфатної кислоти (р = 1,14 г/мл) з масовою часткою кислоти 0,2.
I was very nervous before a new year. Beside with me was my family and friends. We decorated the house and it requires a lot of time and effort. After a new year we're went to the cinema and the system have special equipment. and during the holidays there was a case. Today is arrived my love band and I went to the concert. We heard a recording behind the scenes. It was fun. After this we went to the home. And sinoptic predicted very warm weather. We went to the street and I made a desire from Santa. Verity and health. It was a cool winter holidays.