Ребят надо! Надо ответить на вопрос "Как раскрывается Дарья в своём "разговоре" с мужем?"(произведение "Мороз, Красный нос" Н.А.Некрасов, главы XIX-XXVIII)
There is a good proverb that I like very much: “We eat to live, but do not live to eat.” I think this is true because food is something that we need to stay alive. Food is a source of energy. Nevertheless I like eating tasty food even though I am not much into it. So, for some people food is a source of pleasure, too. But the food that we eat should also be healthy.
I eat similar food every day. It is usually very simple. My daily meal consists of light breakfast, lunch (at school), dinner and supper.
In the morning I usually have some tea with cheeseburgers or hamburgers, some porridge or cottage cheese with sugar or jam.
I like tea with toast and home-made jam. I have a sweet tooth, so I like chocolate and different cakes, sweets very much.
I usually have lunch at school – it’s juice or tea and sandwiches that I take from home. I can also go to a canteen.
For dinner when I come home I have vegetable soup. Actually I don’t like soup. But I have to eat it because it’s healthy. But when I come to my granny I can’t stop trying her specialty - borsch or shi. Soup with meat balls that my mom cooks is my favourite. I can also have a salad or fried fish. I usually do not have desserts. Maybe some green or black tea with lemon.
For supper we usually have different kinds of potato dishes or pasta. I like meat very much. But I also like fish and other sea products – shrimps, squids, salmon and mackerel.
Vegetables are also what I love! Different vegetables are always on our dinner table. My mom makes tasty salads. I love different salads with dressings. I don’t eat much mayonnaise. Our salads usually have olive oil or sour cream as a dressing. We buy different fruits as well. My favourite fruits are bananas and tangerines.
Взросление - это долгий и сложный процесс в жизни каждого человека. У некоторых он проходит может быть и быстро,а у кого-то может длится до 40 лет.Я думаю,что когда я буду взрослым,я смогу своим родителям,которые оберегают меня всю жизнь.Также я найду работу и возможно заведу семью.Ведь семья - это почти самое дорогое что есть у человека.Конечно,быть взрослым это и большая ответственность,например,воспитание детей.Ведь дети -это продолжение рода и нужно воспитать их так,чтобы потом не было стыдно за них.
There is a good proverb that I like very much: “We eat to live, but do not live to eat.” I think this is true because food is something that we need to stay alive. Food is a source of energy. Nevertheless I like eating tasty food even though I am not much into it. So, for some people food is a source of pleasure, too. But the food that we eat should also be healthy.
I eat similar food every day. It is usually very simple. My daily meal consists of light breakfast, lunch (at school), dinner and supper.
In the morning I usually have some tea with cheeseburgers or hamburgers, some porridge or cottage cheese with sugar or jam.
I like tea with toast and home-made jam. I have a sweet tooth, so I like chocolate and different cakes, sweets very much.
I usually have lunch at school – it’s juice or tea and sandwiches that I take from home. I can also go to a canteen.
For dinner when I come home I have vegetable soup. Actually I don’t like soup. But I have to eat it because it’s healthy. But when I come to my granny I can’t stop trying her specialty - borsch or shi. Soup with meat balls that my mom cooks is my favourite. I can also have a salad or fried fish. I usually do not have desserts. Maybe some green or black tea with lemon.
For supper we usually have different kinds of potato dishes or pasta. I like meat very much. But I also like fish and other sea products – shrimps, squids, salmon and mackerel.
Vegetables are also what I love! Different vegetables are always on our dinner table. My mom makes tasty salads. I love different salads with dressings. I don’t eat much mayonnaise. Our salads usually have olive oil or sour cream as a dressing. We buy different fruits as well. My favourite fruits are bananas and tangerines.