1)Слон и Моська - Крылов
«Стойкий оловянный солдатик» - Х.-К. Андерсен
«Малька провинилась» - В. Белов
«Приключения Эмиля из Лённеберги» - А. Линдгрен
2) сказка
5-Лес, точно терем расписной,
6 Ветер шлёт на что-то
7а- верный друг, правильный ответ
б длинные волосы, хорошая память
8 цветок/дубы
9- день-задень
10)«Иван - крестьянский сын и чудо-юдо» сказка
«Кот-ворюга» рассказ
«Птица Кахна» сказка
«Слон и Моська» басня
«Тёма и Жучка» рассказ
11) Малыш и Карлсон, Пеппи длинный чулок, Эмиль из Леннеберги
My favorite actor is Daniel Radcliffe is a British theater and film actor. He has starred in many films and TV shows. His career began with the television film David Copperfield, but most of all he is known as the performer of the role of Harry Potter.
Daniel was born on July 23, 1989, at the moment he is 28 years old. One of my favorite films where Daniel was shot is Harry Potter, this very interesting and addictive story about a boy that can be reviewed more than once. Parallel with the shooting, Daniel discovers in himself a talent for drama actor. Since 2004, Radcliffe has been involved in theater productions. I really love this actor and enjoy watching all the films with his participation.