1. В ряду чисел 3, 8, 11, 17, 20,28 пропущено одно число. Найдите его, если: a) среднее арифметическое ряда равно 15; b) размах ряда равен 42; c) мода ряда равна 20.
I am grateful for this year after all!) The more I thank him so that I had more friends, acquaintances, began to devote more time to the parents, for me it was the best year of his most vivid impressions!) My friend appeared the dog with which we often played in the summer!) I tried to be Yeshe better and improve ourselves!) I like it could be difficult, but I tried!) I bragodaren everything and for everything they have done for me and was carried out at the time!) me in the next year will be even better !)
I am grateful for this year after all!) The more I thank him so that I had more friends, acquaintances, began to devote more time to the parents, for me it was the best year of his most vivid impressions!) My friend appeared the dog with which we often played in the summer!) I tried to be Yeshe better and improve ourselves!) I like it could be difficult, but I tried!) I bragodaren everything and for everything they have done for me and was carried out at the time!) me in the next year will be even better !)
а) (3+ 8+ 11+ 17+ 20+28 +Х) : 7 = 15
(87 + x)= 15*7
87 + x= 105
b) размах = max- min
max = 28
min = 3
размах =28-3 = 25
с) мода - наиболее повторяемые числа
если мода = 20, то в ряду пропущено число 20