Расстояние между двумя , движущимися в одном направлении равно 2 км 500 м. первый пешеход проходит за 2 часа 8 км, а второй проходит 1 км, за 12 минут. через сколько часов второй пешеход догонит первого?
При неудовлетворительной работе центрального водопровода или его полном отсутствии в населенном пункте можно наладить бесперебойное водоснабжение частного дома из скважины, пробуренной на участке. Компании, оказывающие услуги по бурению скважин, не занимаются их дальнейшим обустройством. Данные работы владелец дома может провести самостоятельно, закупив необходимое оборудование и материалы для прокладки сети трубопровода от скважины до дома на рынке или в специализированном магазине. Придется выбрать скважинный насос, трубы ПНД 32, гидроаккумулятор для поддержания необходимого напора в системе водоснабжения, запорную арматуру и др.
Обычно скважина пробивается недалеко от дома. Глубина сооружения как правило варьируется в диапазоне 25-50 метров. Более глубокие скважины являются дорогим удовольствием и требуют специального разрешения на проведение работ. После окончания буровых работ над поверхностью земли торчит труба, диаметр которой составляет от 100 до 159 мм. Если грунтовые воды залегают ниже двухметровой отметки от уровня земли, то обустраивают колодец для скважины. В иных случаях приходится строить закрытые утепленные пристройки, позволяющие наладить постоянное обслуживание скважины в любое время года.
Hello, let me introduce agent cute. he is a really nice guy. he speaks english, german, turkish and french, and he is learning russian. he likes sports, but he is not very strong. his favourite pastime is watching tv cute is not my best agent, but i always give him the most interesting cases because he is my brother. last year an english boy got lost in russia and cute found him. that was good work, so i am going to give agent cute a present: he is going on holiday next month. hi, everybody! meet my boss! he is the head of our agency. boss is very clever. he speaks english, german, french. japanese. chinese, italian, spanish and at the moment he is learning the language of the tapagungu tribe in africa. he is a workaholic - his detective agency is his business and his hobby. he doesn't get a lot of money but he likes to help people. last year the boss helped me find a lost english boy. i made a lot of mistakes, so the boss was often angry. this summer the boss is going to take his first holiday. that will be interesting! hi, i am rob macwizard. i come from an old family of macwizards. i like reading books and playing computer games. last year i was in a very difficult situation. i had a pen friend in russia and i wanted to visit him. but my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather robin macwizard came to russia from 1599 and i went to the edinburgh of 1599.1 didn't like it there, my life was in danger, but misha and agent cute saved me. i am staying with misha and his family this summer. maybe, we'll be friends. hi, i am misha inin. i am from lukinsk. i live with my father and mother and my sister masha. i am an ordinary boy from an ordinary family and i go to an ordinary school. but last year changed my life. a boy from the past came to me. his name was robin macwizard. he was from the edinburgh of 1599. robin was my best friend, but he had to go back to his time. life is not fun without him. my hobbies: football, books and languages are boring without robin. but now rob is staying with me. in august we are going camping together. i hope he'll like russian forests and rivers. hi, i am betsey macwizard. i have three children: rosy, mark and rob. i never worry about rosy and mark - they have a lot of friends, do sports, go horse-riding and read books. but rob is always alone, and he doesn't have any friends. last year we lost him in russia. he was away for three months but he never talks to me about it. now he is in russia with misha inin. i am going to buy a new computer for rob when he gets back. he loves computers.
Пошаговое объяснение:
1) 12×5=60(1 час)
Значит: 1×5=5(км/ч)-скорость второго пешехода.
2) 8:2=4(км/ч)-скорость первого пешехода.
3) 5-4=1(км/ч)-разница скоростей.
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