I have a separate room of my own, which is nice. However, I would like to make some changes there. My current room is of light green colour but I’d like it to be orange. I like warm and welcoming colours. My mum promised to change the wallpapers this year, so I hope to have my dream room soon. Another thing I’d change is the shape and size of my wardrobe. I have a huge rectangular wardrobe of dark hazel colour. Instead, I’d like to have a smaller one with oval top and city landscapes on it. I’d like to have a bunk bed in my room. At the moment I’m sleeping on a huge sofa, which occupies half of the room’s space, whereas bunk beds are more comfortable and compact. Sometimes my friend Polina visits me and wants to stay overnight. With a bunk bed it would be much easier, as she could sleep on its top bunk. In the right corner I have a small study with a desk, a chair, a computer, a lamp and some book shelves. I wouldn’t like to change anything there as it’s a very cozy corner. I do my home-works and additional projects there. Speaking of a computer, I dream of a cute pink laptop. Mine is an old desktop computer which is often slow to react. So my dream room should contain a new laptop. My parents don’t want me to keep any pets in the flat. But in my dreams I wish I could keep a small turtle and a hamster in my room. Also, a large fish-tank with colourful fishes would be nice. When I have such a perfect room, I’ll invite friends over more often.
Родина для меня начинается с моего дома. Мой дом – это моя семья, мои самые близкие люди, которые меня любят. Именно здесь, рядом с родными людьми, мне тепло, уютно и спокойно. Моя Родина начинается с маленькой речки на даче, с куста смородины, листочки которой так вкусно пахнут. Родина – это поле с огромным небом над ним, где мы пускали воздушного змея и любовались радугой. И лес, где так сильно пахнет земляникой и хвоей. Разлитый, как молоко, туман, в котором можно спрятаться… Наверное, с этого начинается для меня Родина.
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