1. The court is an organ of the state, which shall permit in the procedure of civil and criminal cases. 2. The term "court" means the judicial process and the institution entrusted with trial. 3-the State enacts laws according to which the court finds the defendant guilty or not guilty. 4 the Judicial system is an aggregate of the judiciary of this state. 5 the Court formally separated from the Executive and legislative authorities. 6. Form of legal organization and kind of activity the courts have always depended on the economic and political foundations of the state. 7. The system of judicial institutions has evolved over many centuries. 8. In England it is accepted to distinguish the courts of criminal jurisdiction and a summary jurisdiction. 9. The courts in England are divided into local, closely associated with local government and the Central courts. 10 the Courts of first instance dealing with criminal or civil cases on the merits. 11. The courts, which review judgments of lower courts on complaints of the parties or based on the Prosecutor's appeal are courts of second instance. 12. Clear delineation of competences of all courts in England no. Similar cases can be examined by various courts. 13. The court of criminal appeal in England engaged in the review of judicial decisions in cases where condemned persons were accused under the indictment. 14. The review of judicial decisions taken in order to prevent any unnecessary harshness or unnecessary softness in sentencing. 15. There are military and naval courts, commercial courts, juvenile courts, etc. 16. The court of Queen's bench in England is the main criminal court, one of the offices of the High court of justice; it consists of judges appointed by the king or Queen, and is a member of the Supreme court. As the court of first instance major criminal offences вот как то так
Федеральный бюджет (далее — ФБ). ФБ разрабатывается Правительством РФ в соответствии с положениями бюджетного послания Президента России и Бюджетного кодекса Российской Федерации. По окончании разработки ФБ направляется на рассмотрение в трёх чтениях в Государственную Думу РФ. После принятия Государственной Думой ФБ направляется на одобрение в Совет Федерации, а затем — на подписание Президенту России. Исполнение ФБ осуществляет Правительство Российской Федерации в лице специального органа — Федерального казначейства РФ, который так же ежегодно публикует отчёты об исполнении ФБ.
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