Определитель фигуры речи. 1) с горы бежит поток проворный, в лесу не молкнет птичий гам. 2) зачем, когда придёт пора, мы гоним детство со двора? зачем стараемся скорей перешагнуть ступени дней
Hi:Walter Bruce Willis (born March 19, 1955) is an American actor and singer. He came to fame in the late 1980s and has since retained a career as both a Hollywood leading man and a supporting actor, in particular for his role as John McClane in the Die Hard series. Willis was married to actress Demi Moore and they had three daughters before their divorce in 2000 after thirteen years of marriage. He has received multiple awards and honors throughout his career and has publicly shown his support for the United States armed forces. Motion pictures that feature him as a leading actor or supporting co-star, have grossed a total of $2.55 to $3.04 billion at the North American box office, placing him as the sixth (as strictly lead) or the eighth highest-grossing movie star (counting supporting roles) of all time.
Роса - 2 слога р [р ] -согл., звонкий непарный, сонорный, твердый парный о [а ] гласн безуд. с [с ] - согл.глухой парный, твердый парный а [ а] - гласн. ударный 4 б., 4 зв. Бричка бежит, а Егорушка видит все одно и то же:небо,равнину,холмы. Запятая перед союзом а разделяет предложение в составе ССП Двоеточие стоит после обобщающего слова ВСЁ перед однородными. запятая разделяет однородные дополнения (небо,равнину,холмы)
2) Риторический вопрос