Im my living room you can see big wooden table with armchair,look left and you will see a large sofa with a TV and carpet. Near curtains you can see a wooden chair. In my bedroom you can see a mirror with blue curtains. Near the bed there is a stantard lamp and a wardrobe with a pink carpet. In my study room you can see a table with the desk in front of chair,a cupboard where i fold books,a computer and lamp. In my kitchen you can see a fridge with a cupboard on the left. There is a sink and a table with the chair. In my bathroom you can see a bath,a shower and a mirror.
А Present SimpleHe goes to school every day.
B Past Simple_He went to school yesterday.
C Future Simple__He will go to school tomorrow.
D Present Progressive (для запланированных действий в будущем)He is going to school tomorrow.
E Present Progressive (для действий,которые происходят в определенный момент в настоящем)__He is going to school now.
F Past Progressive___He was going to school at that time yesterday.
G to be going toHe is going to go to school next month..
H Present PerfectHe has already gone to school.