1. the sights of the city are the Astrakhan Kremlin, museums,
theaters, and the B. M. Kustodiev art gallery.
2. in 1556, Ivan the terrible annexed the Astrakhan khanate to Russia.
3. Hadji Tarkhan was the residence of the khans of the Golden Horde and was considered a major
trade center.
4. Astrakhan is the oldest city in The lower Volga region.
5. Astrakhan is best known for its fishing industry.
6. unique Caspian sturgeon species, red fish and black caviar –
the business card of Astrakhan
7. Astrakhan's location on the Caspian lowland in the Volga river Delta with rich natural resources contributes to the development of the fishing, fruit and vegetable, chemical and petrochemical industries, shipbuilding, and tourism.
8. representatives of more than 100 nationalities live in Astrakhan, 14 religious confessions peacefully coexist, 17 societies of national cultures and 155 public associations function
New Year’s Day
My name is Catherine. I am fourteen years old. New Year is considered the most popular holiday in our family. At the beginning of December everybody has a festive mood. In the city the streets and shop windows are decorated with bright and motley garlands. A huge Christmas tree is put at the main square.
Новый год.
Меня зовут Екатерина. Мне 14 лет. В нашей семье самым любимым праздником считается Новый год. В начале декабря у всех появляется праздничное настроение. В городе украшают улицы и витрины магазинов яркими, разноцветными гирляндами. А на главной площади устанавливают огромную ёлку.