i think, every person naturally has some talent, but not everybody can become outstanding. outstanding person is that who made something superior, excellent, better than others or broke through.я думаю, каждый человек наделен от природы талантом, но не каждый может стать . человек – это тот, кто совершил что-то превосходное, отличное, лучшее, чем у других или совершил прорыв в определенной области.when i hear the combination “outstanding person”, the steve jobs portray, the american creator of the first personal computer, arises in my imagination. he proved on his example in order to be outstanding one should be not only smart and talented but have to be enterprising, to work hard, to risk and the key point to love what you do.когда я слышу сочетание « человек», в моем воображении всплывает портрет стива джобса, американского создателя первого персонального компьютера. он на своем примере доказал, чтобы стать , надо быть не просто умным и талантливым, но еще быть предприимчивым, много работать, уметь рисковать, а главное любить то, чем ты занимаешься.he began his business in the parental garage together with the friends. but in the course of time their small gamble turned to a large business, their invention became highly popular and demanded.он начал свой бизнес в гараже у родителей со своими друзьями. но со временем их маленькая авантюра превратилась в большой бизнес, изобретение обрело неимоверную популярность и востребованность.the whole life he worked hard, put his back in different projects but not always everything was magnificent and great. there were some big failures in his life and even close one betrayal but he didn’t give up. when a person loses everything and starts from the very beginning, continues to fight for his favorite work, he deserves respect.
Who doesn't like to receive gifts? It is almost impossible to imagine such a person. Expected or unexpected, precious or just a nice little thing – it doesn't matter if you give from the heart.
Someone believes that the best gift is the most expensive gift. But the joy is measured by money? The jewel from unloved or even the enemy is unlikely to make anyone happier. Therefore, it is not in the material value of the meaning of the gift, and in whose hands and for what purpose it is made.
When you give what you want to share from the bottom of your heart, you always get what's valuable to you back. We are not talking about a gift for the next Birthday or New year, but about the mutual joy of the process. It is always feel sincerely pay, or debt or coercion.
Personally, I like to give and accept gifts. It is interesting to be in the role of a donor: to choose, to represent the reaction to the chosen or made thing, to hand it, in the end. So the culprit of these troubles.
Gratitude and joy from the received – this is the main idea of the gift, as for me. This essence brings joy to all. Even those who simply contemplate the solemn presentation of the gift will become warmer.
nowadays many people know the name of famous steve jobs, the man who presented to the world tablet, iphone, and studio of animation pixar. the image of person in scruffy jeans and black roll-neck is known in many countries. sometimes he is called “father of digital evolution”, his presentations were like a show. generally he left a mark in the human history. в наше время многим известно имя знаменитого стива джобса, человека, который подарил миру планшет, айфон и анимационную студию pixar. образ человека в потертых джинсах и черной водолазке узнаваем во многих странах. его часто называют «отцом цифровой эволюции», его презентации походили на шоу. он оставил след в человечества.