The idea of having wild animals at home sounds unreal. But nowadays it's become popular to buy pigs, ferrets and lizards. A lot of people think that it's cool, when you have abosolutely unsual animal. As far as I conserned, it can be dangerous. Even if we have wild pet at home for years, we can't give 100% guarantee that it became real domestic aminal. And who knows when it'll show its wild side. Moreover, wild animals need much freedom. They used to play in big fields, eat another animals, that's theirs way of living. It's violent too close them in 4 walls. So, I suppose, I approve why it's a bad idea to have wild animal at home.
А)мы получили хороший урожай картошки в году б) пшеница, овес, ячмень распространенный зерновой урожай в нашем регионе в)этих коров доят 3 раза в день г)сырые материалы используются нашей индустрией для в различных целях д)он чистил свинарник вчера е)они работали на этой ферме 2 года назад ё)продукты доставляемые фермой - мясо, молоко и яйца. ж)корова даёт много молока, если её кормить хорошо з) ягнята откормлены на этой ферме и)мы уже использовали весь основной урожай. к)молочный доход полученный в году была достаточно высокой л)коровы обеспеченные хорошим питанием приносят большой молочный доход
The idea of having wild animals at home sounds unreal. But nowadays it's become popular to buy pigs, ferrets and lizards. A lot of people think that it's cool, when you have abosolutely unsual animal. As far as I conserned, it can be dangerous. Even if we have wild pet at home for years, we can't give 100% guarantee that it became real domestic aminal. And who knows when it'll show its wild side. Moreover, wild animals need much freedom. They used to play in big fields, eat another animals, that's theirs way of living. It's violent too close them in 4 walls. So, I suppose, I approve why it's a bad idea to have wild animal at home.