A 1) Mr Smith's house; 2) the girls' doll; 3) Rembrandt's works; 4) the baby's toy; 5) the employees' meeting; 6) those women's bags; 7) our boss' orders; 8) the children's books; 9) my parents' cottage; 10) her cousin's garage.
В 1) the world's coal deposits; 2) the sun's influence; 3) the earth's atmosphere; 4) life's joys and grieves; 5) the ship's arrival; 6) Greenland's icy mountains; 7) the company's policy; 8) Russia's gold reserves; 9) the planet's gravitation; 10) the commission's decisions.
С. 1) Kate and Mary's mother; 2) my aunt Ann's children; 3) Picasso's and Dali's paintings; 4) the commander-in-chief's gun; 5) Ivan the Terrible's times; 6) the Minister of Foreign Trade's speech; 7) the Herald Tribune's correspondent; 8) my father-in-law's flat; 9) Henry the Eighth's wives; 10) Saudi Arabia's oil wells.
D 1) a three-weeks' cruise; 2) two-hours' work; 3) a five-kilometres' distance; 4) the four-hours' operation 5) the three-hours' flight; 6) an eight-week's semester; 7) an hour's rest; 8) a three-acts' play; 9) a ninety-minutes' football match; 10) a three-minutes' telephone conversation.
Ат зэ пати зэа из олвэйс лотс оф фуд энд дринк. Зэа ра (р приглушённо) южуали э лот оф балунс ин зэ рум вэа зэ пати из. Зэ чилдрэн вэа пати хатс энд плэй пати геймс.
Афтэр (р приглушённо) зэт итс тайм фо зэ бёздэй кейк! Зэ бёздэй бой о гёрл (р приглушённо) браус аут зэ кэндлс энд мэйкс э бёздэй виш! Зэн эвриван сингс "Хэппи Бёздэй".
Бёздэй патис а грэт фан фо эвриван.
Господи, как глупо звучит :D Но в общем как-то так)