Pediatrics (Greek παιδός “child” + ἰατρεία “treatment” [1]) by the definition of the founder of Russian pediatrics S. F. Khotovitsky, given in 1847 in the first Russian manual “Pediatrics”: “there is a science about distinctive features, functions and diseases the child’s body and based on those features, preserving the health and treatment of diseases in children ”[2]. The main objective of pediatrics is the preservation or return (in case of illness) of a child’s state of health, allowing him to realize his innate life potential to the fullest extent
A pediatrician (children's doctor) is a specialist whose tasks include prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases and rehabilitation of children under 18 years of age, as well as solving issues of rational nutrition and proper development of the younger generation. The doctor evaluates the child's mental and physical development at birth, in preschool institutions, and in schools. When transferring a child to an adult clinic, it sends information about his or her state of health there.