Ща отвечу,подожди,это не обман
3. Сделай постер о популярном городе. Следуй шагам в чеклисте проекта( Ну типа как дескрипторы и шаги,которые тебе нужно сделать)
1. Работай в группе. выбери какой нибудь популярный город и напиши о нем
2.Найди информацию в интернете
Где находится этот город
Какой язык является главным в этом городе
Какое количество человек там проживает
Некоторые достопримечательности для туристов
Если можешь, то добавь ещё информации
3. Напиши небольшой текст о своем городе, используя информацию,которую ты нашел
4. Найди фотографии достопримечательностей для туристов
5.Найди карту страны, чтобы показать локации города
6. Сделай постер со своим текстом, картой и фотографиями
7. Сделай презентацию перед своим классом. ( ну то есть опираясь на свой постер расскажи о городе,покажи фотки,карту и тд)
Amosov was born December 6, 1913. in the village Olkhovo (near Cherepovets) of Vologda Governorate, Russia to Russian peasants.[1] In 1932 he graduated from Cherepovets Mechanical College, followed by 3 years of work as a shift mechanic at the Arkhangelsk electric power station. In 1939 he graduated from the Arkhangelsk Medical Institute,[1] and in 1940 - with distinction from the All-Union Correspondence Industrial Institute. During World War II he was at the front as the leading surgeon of a field mobile hospital PPG-2266.[1] From 1947 to 1952 he worked as chief surgeon of the Bryansk region and at that time he began to be widely engaged in thoracic surgery, he conducted extensive scientific work and in 1953 he presented his doctoral dissertation.
In 1952, Amosov, as a prominent specialist in thoracic surgery, was invited to the Kiev Institute of Tuberculosis, to guide specially created clinic of thoracic surgery.[1]
Here particularly fully revealed his many-sided talent of the surgeon and researcher, physiologist, and engineer, has been particularly fruitful scientific, organizational, practical, educational and social activities.
Amosov was one of the initiators of the widespread introduction into our country surgery for diseases of the lungs, has made a lot of new developments in this problem. His research contributed to improving the treatment of diseases of the lungs. In 1961, Amosov was awarded Lenin Prize for the work of lung surgery