1. Each team at Ford is in charge of one area of the process, whether
technical, financial or marketing-based (E).
2. The company consists of three divisions – cars, trucks and commercial vehicles. (D)
3. Her subordinates were responsible to her for any lost or damaged
merchandise. (F)
4. The United Nations is made up of more than 200 individual nations. (G)
5. The Chief Executive Officer reports to the Board of Directors. (B)
6. Ford has divided the world into four regions. (A)
7. The audience was composed largely of young people (I).
8. All government ministers are accountable to Parliament (C).
9. The new arts organisation includes dancers, teachers, accountable
singers and musicians. (H)
ответ: Смешно :) В задании уже стоят готовые пары!
Не благодари!
1.mining equipment - k) горное оборудование
2.to carry out research -з) проводить исследования
3.new course in -е) новый (учебный) курс по
4.to direct scientific activity -и) направлять научную деятельность
5.to take an active part in -ж) принимать активное участие
6.prospecting for oil -в) разведка нефти
7.bedded deposit- л) пластовые месторождения
8.concentration plant- а) обогатительная фабрика
9.technical education- д) техническое образование
10.processing of non-ferrous metals -г) обработка цветных металлов
11.the training of geologist and mining engineers- б) подготовка горных инженеров
12.concentration plant- а) обогатительная фабрика
2) arrive; will text
3) shall tell; comes
4)need; shall phone
5) will get; don't invite
6)proposes; shall say
7)will join; finishes
8) doesn't come; won't wait
9) laughes; won't sing
10) doesn't rain; will go
11) won't enter; don't pass