1. Fill in prepositions:
1. handsome ... a way; 2. to know... one's own experience; 3. He could lose money ... bridge ... a good grace. 4. to have bad luck ... cards; 5. He did not want to stick ... bridge. 6. He was all... pieces. 7. I understand what he was driving 8. I landed ... the creek of Tarumi. 9 account...; 10. He never turned
3.. Answer the following questions:
1. Burton thought that what he was telling was "rather a funny story." Do you also think so? Why don't you? Why did Burton think it funny?
2. What kind of man was young Barton? What do you think of his way of living? Do you approve of it? Why not?
3. Why do you think young Burton turned to his namesake for help when he was rained?
4. What was the situation in which he found himself?
5. What did Burton mean by saying that his young namesake was "down and out"? that he was "all to pieces"?
6. What did young Burton mean when he said that he "swam for his University"?
7. On what condition did Burton promise a job in his office to his namesake? What do you think of this condition?
8. Why did young Burton accept it? He knew he was not in good con¬dition, didn't he?
9. What happened to him?
10. Do you think old Burton knew that bis namesake would be drowned? Why do you think so?
11. Why did Burton send his namesake to al¬most sure death?
12. What kind of man do you think old Bur¬ton was?
13. Why does the author emphasize when speaking about old Burton his "kindly chuckle," "mild chuckle," "those candid and kind blue eyes of his"?
2)Everything is okay. You CAN see that you need not worry.
3)I won't BE able to translate this article unless you give me a dictionary.
4)You ought TO visit your brother in THE hospital.
5)You DO NOT have to go shopping today as we are dining out.
6)This week we ARE to meet with an outstanding scientist.
7)He was not allowed TO smoke in their house.
8)Guess what! - I cannot, you will have to TELL me.
9)Will you be able TO speak to him tomorrow?
10)You ARE not allowed to talk during the exam.