Вот перевод.
Пикачу - любимый персонаж многих зрителей сериала. Он ярко-желтого цвета, и очень запоминается для глаз. Также, с ним ассоциируют себя многие дети. Он главный покемон Глав. героя. На данный момент, интерес к нему привлек недавний фильм о детективе Пикачу. (далее, Англ версия) Англ : Pikachu is a favorite character of many viewers of the series. It is bright yellow in color and is very memorable to the eyes. Also, many children associate themselves with him. He is the main Pokémon of Chapters. hero. At this point, interest in him has been drawn by a recent film about Detective Pikachu.
2)-Where is Tom?
-I dont know.He said that he will come at 5 o`clock
3)This is very difficult decision.I will ask my friend about his opinion.
4)My friend always says:"Some people are so used to mobile phones.What they will do without them?"
5)-Brother,I think that i forgot my keys inside...
-Its okay,We just will sit here and wait till our parents return
1)-There is raining outside.Where are you going?
-I am going to have a walk.There are many things to think about
2)-Okay,we locked.What now?
-Now we going to wait till someone comes
3)I am going to become the greatest translaitor.You will see!!
4)-Where is he going?
-Dont ask me.He always do that when he have a bad mood.I am going to ask him about it
5)-What happening?
-I dont know.I am going to find out it