St. Sophia's Cathedral consists of some very beautiful buildings. There are gold cupolas on the top of the building. In the 11th century Kyiv had battles with the Pechenehy tribes who destroyed the lands. Kyivites got a great victory over the enemy and built the Cathedral there. The word "Sophia" means "wisdom" in Greek. St. Sophia was the first place of education in Kyiv Rus. The ruler Prince Yaroslav the Wise found the first library and opened the first school for children in the Cathedral. The Cathedral is famous for the mosaic figure of Virgin Mary. It is also famous for fresco paintings on its walls. The fresco pictures tell about the family of Yaroslav the Wise and hunting, dances and performances of musicians. There is a sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise in the cathedral. St. Sophia is a great sight to visit.
What day is today?( какое сегодня число?) today is the twenty-ninth of August What day is today?( какой сегодня день?) today is Tuesday What time is it now?(Который час сейчас?) Now two hours where were you last Sunday?(где вы были в воскресенье?) on Sunday we were at my grandmother's Where are you now?( где ты сейчас?) I am now at home where well you be next Sunday?(где вы будете в следующее воскресенье?) Next Sunday we will be on the Day of Birth what are you going to do on Sunday (что вы собираетесь делать в воскресенье?) on Sunday we are going to celebrate my mom's birthday What can you do in the park?(что вы можете сделать в парке)In the park we can go for a ride How many chairs are there in your flat?(Сколько стульев в вашей квартире?) in our apartment are a few chairs Where did you go yesterday( куда ты ходил вчера?) Yesterday I visited my friends What did your mum buy last week?( что покупала твоя мама неделю назад?)my mombought a raincoat a week ago. where did you walk last week?(где ты гулял на неделе?) I Walked in the park last week
St. Sophia's Cathedral consists of some very beautiful buildings. There are gold cupolas on the top of the building. In the 11th century Kyiv had battles with the Pechenehy tribes who destroyed the lands. Kyivites got a great victory over the enemy and built the Cathedral there. The word "Sophia" means "wisdom" in Greek. St. Sophia was the first place of education in Kyiv Rus. The ruler Prince Yaroslav the Wise found the first library and opened the first school for children in the Cathedral. The Cathedral is famous for the mosaic figure of Virgin Mary. It is also famous for fresco paintings on its walls. The fresco pictures tell about the family of Yaroslav the Wise and hunting, dances and performances of musicians. There is a sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise in the cathedral. St. Sophia is a great sight to visit.