The little boy was standing near the door and trying to press the doorbell button. But he was too short for it. A tall man was passing the door. The boy asked him to press the call button. The man did so. Suddenly the boy quickly run downstairs. He was running and shouting: "It was a joke! Flee! If the owner of the flat comes out of the apartment he will kick your ears!"
Маленький мальчик стоял около двери и пытался нажать на кнопку дверного звонка. Но он был слишком мал для этого. Мимо проходил высокий мужчина. Мальчик попросил его нажать на кнопку звонка. Мужчина сделал это. Вдруг мальчик быстро побежал вниз. Он бежал и кричал: "Это розыгрыш! Убегайте! Сейчас выйдет хозяин квартиры и надерет вам уши!"
Task 1. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form -ing/infinitive.
1. They denied breaking the window. (break)
2. The baby began crying in the middle of the night. (cry).
3. They decided to do the homework. (do)
4. I don’t want to go to the cinema. (go)
5. Has it stopped snowing yet? (snow)
Task 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. Please remember to turn off the light when you go out. (turn)
2. Tom now regrets saying what he said. (say)
3. I am absolutely sure I locked the door. I do remember locking it. (lock)
4. The batteries in the radio need changing. (change)
5. I need to change batteries in the radio.(change)
Task 3. Choose used to/be used to/get used to + a verb in brackets.
1. When I was a child I used to ask a lot of questions. (ask)
2. Sue lives alone. It is not strange for her. She is used to living alone. (live)
3. Their neighbors are very noisy, so they have to get used to the noise.
4. She’s been in Britain for three months and she can’t get used to driving on the left. (drive)
5. Mike is used to doing his homework to music. (do) It’s the usual way he does it.