My favourite food is PELMENI ! I love it ! its national food of russian people. for making this food we need lamb or beef and dough . we have to cut dough like a small circles, on circles we put FARSH , its meet mixed with onions, then we close this small piece of dough, we use fingers. we boil pelmeni in water with potatoes and carrots.after 30-40 minutes its done. its delicious. usually russian people eat pelmeni with SMETANA, its also russian favourite dressing for foods !Моё любимое блюдо это пельмени. Я люблю это. это национальное блюдо русского народа. для приготовления этого блюда нам требуется баранина или говядина а так же тесто. мы должны порезать тесто на маленькие круглые куски, на круги мы кладём фарш, это мясо смешанное с луком, потом мы закрываем маленькие куски теста, для этого мы пользуемся пальцами. мы варим пельмени в воде с картошкой и морковкой. после 30-40 минут блюдо готово. это вкусно. обычно русский народ есть пельмени со сметаной, это так же любимая вещь для еды !
1.This is a house. It is the house made of wood. 2.This is the house that Jack built. 3. Your blouse is in the washing machine. It will be ready for the tomorrow's party. 4. What a lovely dress! Are you going to wear it? 5. In a good library there are always lots of children's books. 6. (The) story was so exciting that the children could hardly believe their ears. 7. The books looks very unusual. I haven't seen the book like this before. - I'm not surprised. It's a very old and expensive book. 8. I know a man who lives in house.
We missed the train because we were late.
You will be sick if you don't stop smoking.
My husband don't have enough money but he wants to buy a car.
She doesn't learn her lessons because she doesn't do her homework.
He drove all night and became tired.
I can't call her as I don't know her telephone number .
They lost all the tickets but they might have been to the theatre.
He didn't gave a visit to his father as he didn't knew that he was ill.
I won't marry him because he is not a good man.
He didn't had a telephone so he wrote an email.
We won't have enough time so we won't visit the zoo.