Complete the sentences using the new words.
1. He speaks French fluently because it is his mother tongue
2. Don't be doubtful_ about the results of your test.
3. They invite the best interpreter__
to work at international conference.
4. An average Russian should know at least one foreign languages.
5. I will r__ my dream next year.
6. It a__ lunchtime.
7. Jack is always hungry__
New words:
1. Place-Место
2. Man-Мужчина, человек
3. Watch-Часы, смотреть
4. Radio-Радио
5. Foot-Нога
6. Lady-Леди
7. Tomato-Помидор
8. Child-Ребёнок
9. Fish- Рыба
10. Leaf- Листок
11. Mouse- Мышь
12. Wife-Жена
13. Tooth- зуб
14. Boy- мальчик
15. Peach-персик
Если бы я решила уехать на необитаемый остров и нужно было бы взять что-то из электроники, то я бы взяла электрический чайник, так как он может вскипятить морскую воду и очистить ее, а так, как пресной воды на необитаемом острове может не быть, то это выжить какое-то количество времени.
If I decided to leave for a desert island and I needed to take something from electronics, then I would take an electric kettle, as it will help to boil seawater and purify it, and as there may not be fresh water on a desert island, then it can survive for a certain amount of time.
Dennis wishes he HAS taller
They wish they HAD in London
She wishes she HAS a dog or a cat
I wish i HAD thinner
Sonia wishes she HAS like Carey Mulligan
He wishes his bedroom HAS bigger
I wish the weather HAD better today